Shamballa party
Shamballa party
Rainbow Labradorite A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for strengthening intuition - promoting psychic abilities.
White agate is a stone of balance and release. ... For proponents of energy work and crystal healing, white agate is believed to be beneficial for mental issues, including everyday challenges such as frustration and anxiety. It is believed to stimulate the crown chakra and is often used to make worry stones.
Red Tiger Eye (Tiger's Eye, Tigereye) is a stimulating stone and can support motivation and a more active sex drive. ... Its focus on the lower chakras is what gives red Tiger Eyethe power to send higher energies through the organs of the lower half of the body. Red Tiger Eye aids in enhancing confidence and self-esteem.
Alle armbanden zijn handgemaakt, door de sluiting die wij maken kan je zelf bepalen hoe strak of los je de armband wenst te dragen. Deze is geschikt voor wat grotere polsen vanaf ongeveer 18 cm.
All onze producten zijn unisex.
Love & light,